TO: General Acute Care Hospitals (GACHs) SUBJECT: Senate Bill (SB) 864 – Fentanyl Screening in GACHs
AUTHORITY: Health and Safety Code (HSC) section 1259.3
All Facilities Letter (AFL) Summary This AFL notifies GACHs of the passage of SB 864 (Chapter 169, Statutes of 2022) requiring a GACH that is conducting a diagnostic urine drug screening to also include testing for fentanyl, until January 1, 2028.
Effective January 1, 2023, SB 864 establishes "Tyler's Law" that requires a GACH to include testing for fentanyl if conducting a urine drug screening to assist in diagnosing a patient's condition. The bill defines urine drug screening to mean a chemical analysis intended to test patients for the presence of multiple drugs, including cocaine, opioids, and phencyclidine. The requirements of the bill remain in effect until January 1, 2028.
If you have any questions about this AFL, please contact your respective district office.
CDPH's failure to expressly notify facilities of statutory or regulatory requirements does not relieve facilities of their responsibility for following all laws and regulations. Facilities should refer to the full text of all applicable sections of HSC and the California Code of Regulations to ensure compliance.
Original signed by Cassie Dunham
Cassie Dunham
Deputy Director